Launch Week Day – 3

A brief update about “The Book of Life” and your daily encouragement. Hi Everyone! It is day 3 of launch week for my soon to be released novel “The Book of Life: The Greatest Story Ever Told,” and I have even more information for you today.  It is a link...

Day 2 of Launch Week

At this point you might be wondering why I’m so passionate about The Book of Life, and why I’ve spent so much time promoting it.  First, The Book of Life is a fantastic novel with a great message!   It has all the makings of a great story and the message...

Big Announcement!

Are you ready to find out what is happening on 12.12.12?  I can’t wait to share it with you!  I have been keeping this secret for the past year and a half and I can’t contain it any longer. I’m so glad to finally be able to share it with you.   Below...