by Alison Feinauer | Mar 15, 2021 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Finding Purpose, Hope, Relationship with God, Relationships, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth
By Alison Feinauer I was on my way to a funeral for a dear, sweet lifelong friend of mine who passed away too soon. I had an overwhelming sense of anxiety, unsettledness, fear, call it something… I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Mar 8, 2021 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Embrace Freedom, Find Hope, Motivation, Replacing Lies with Truth, Seeking Direction, Spiritual Growth, Steps to Freedom
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis On February 19, 1519, Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes set sail for Mexico with 11 ships, 13 horses, 110 sailors, and 553 soldiers. He was tasked with colonizing the new territory. The odds were stacked against him. Two previous missions had...
by Sheree Craig | Mar 1, 2021 | Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Embrace Freedom, Find Hope, Finding Purpose, Hope, Relationship with God, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Warfare, True Identity
By Sheree Craig Starting as a nurse six years ago brought with it increased anxiety. The struggle of completing nursing school, working, and caring for little kids at home left me empty. I was void of energy and self-confidence which led to increased...
by Alison Feinauer | Feb 15, 2021 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Find Hope, Hope, Relationships, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth
By Alison Feinauer So it finally happened! We were exposed! After all the precautions, rules, after all this time, IT finally happened. The one person we have been trying so hard to protect, my dad, he was actually the one who gave Covid to us.At Christmas, I...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Feb 8, 2021 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis In one of my favorite childhood games, the leader (affectionately known as Simon) directed his followers through a list of rapid-fire instructions, such as… clap your hands, stand on one foot, jump up and down, or lie on the floor. If the command...
by Sheree Craig | Feb 1, 2021 | Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Find Hope, Hope, Mentoring, Relationship with God, Relationships, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Seeking Direction, Spiritual Growth
By Sheree Craig Oh, it is that time of year again with every conversation revolving around resolutions for the new year. Nine times out of ten the resolution involves weight loss. I really do not like this time of year. It stirs up triggers that I...