By Sheree Craig

Oh, it is that time of year again with every conversation revolving around resolutions for the new year.  Nine times out of ten the resolution involves weight loss.  I really do not like this time of year.  It stirs up triggers that I must fight to avoid.  Maybe I should lose some weight. . . maybe I should start going to the gym. . . maybe I should start monitoring my food intake. . . etc.

Not only are we experiencing a pandemic causing isolation and uprooting routine, but we also now face the continuous conversations about weight loss resolutions.  To be honest, I am not sure I can fight off yet another trigger for eating disorder thoughts.  On October 27th, 2020 one moment changed the trajectory of my life.  A split second sent life’s path in a completely different direction.

I was on my way to work at a stop light when the moment occurred.  I looked in the rearview mirror to assure the pickup truck would come to a stop, and the driver did, avoiding a wreck.  Just as I began to look forward again, I was hit from behind by the truck. The third vehicle had shoved the truck into me.  I slammed back into my seat hitting my head just right to injure my neck, an injury that would take way too long to heal.

Forced to rest, stay home from work, and continue to fight negative thoughts, I felt defeated on most days.  With no light at the end of the tunnel, financial worries added to the other thoughts entering my mind.  I faced the battle of attempting to numb all the worries and physical pain.  I could not go hide in exercise.  I could not go hide in work.  I could not go hide in pleasing others.  For way too many days, I sat in all this darkness.  I felt worthless.  I felt like a failure to the ones I cared about most. 

I sat in that pit of darkness that felt familiar.  It is the pit I face with every trigger in life.  You may understand some of the triggers: loneliness, failure, weight gain, aging, financial loss, dysfunction in the family, etc.  This time, I fell right into the dark pit.  I slipped down to the bottom and sat there for too long.  The enemy has a way of blinding us, so we fall into his lies and slip into a pit of darkness.

Thankfully, God continued to speak and shine His light into the pit.  He reminded me that I cannot battle this on my own.  God provides people in our lives to strengthen, pray for us, and walk alongside us in trials.  I swallowed my pride and reached for prayer warriors.  As you may guess, healing began.  Peace entered the situation and motivation to move forward continued each day. 

The largest lesson I learned over 2020 was that we need one another.  God created us to work better in life together.  God desires to be a part of our lives, guide us to those we need to motivate and love us in life, and bring us through the trials of life stronger.  I have learned that I do not need to be prepared for anything and everything that could happen in life.  Life is unpredictable.  Sitting in the what-ifs and planning for things that may happen only lead to anxiety.  I have learned to trust God with whatever situation will come my way.  He will provide the tools required to thrive in trials.  Will it be easy to let go of control?  No.  But I am going to surrender control every day until my entire body believes and trusts my Father in Heaven.  He has never let me down before, and I trust He will continue to follow that pattern. 

My prayer for 2021: “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief”  (Mark 9:23-24 NIV)!

NOTE: If you would like to have someone encouraging along your faith journey, be sure to check out our Living in Truth Ministries Reaching New Heights Mentoring Program. Life really is better when we take time to grow together.