Guaranteed Blessings

Guaranteed Blessings

By Michele Eich Years ago, God turned a temptation to be offended into a powerful lesson on being a blessing. I carry this treasure in my heart, and I hope it encourages you to bless others. During my time in Bible college, we had a very special time set aside called...
A Tangible Reminder

A Tangible Reminder

By Michele Eich After seeing me through a very difficult time in my life, God gave me a tangible reminder of His presence by blessing me with a meaningful present that I wear to this day. It was November of 2009, and I had a day at home to catch up on life. You know...
When It Doesn’t Make Sense

When It Doesn’t Make Sense

By Tanya Jolliffe I was nudged by the Spirit in the spring of 2005 to join a church planting team that my home church was creating. I attended a three-day church planting boot camp and although I didn’t know how things were going to go, I took my spot on...
Mountain Mover

Mountain Mover

By Rhonda Stinson My car was a muddy mess! After the ice storm a couple weeks ago, I got my car stuck. Mud spewed from hood to rear as I pressed on the gas pedal trying to break free. I’m thankful my brother pulled me out two days later. My co-worker needed me...