by Rhonda Stinson | May 31, 2022 | Acceptance, Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Forgiveness, Relationship with God, Relationships, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth
By Rhonda Stinson In the spring, I noticed tons of white-flowered trees everywhere. I pointed them out to the residents at a local nursing home program and one woman said they were a type of pear tree. They said it looked like snow across the field. There were so many...
by Melody Vanosdol | May 23, 2022 | Acceptance, Body Image, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Grace, healing, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth
By Melody Moore Have you ever had your pride operated on? Just thinking about that question may bring memories of times when you had to eat crow or deal with the consequences of pride. We all have. If we haven’t dealt with the consequences of our pride,...
by Tanya Jolliffe | Apr 4, 2022 | Acceptance, Body Image, Comparison, Daily Encouragement, Embrace Freedom, Find Hope, healing, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, True Identity
By Tanya Jolliffe I have always been self-conscious about the size of my feet. Maybe being teased and called “big foot” made me overly aware of their size or the realization that the size of your feet is not something you can do anything about...
by Tanya Jolliffe | Jan 10, 2022 | Acceptance, Body Image, Conferences, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Eating Disorders, Embrace Freedom, healing, Motivation, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Seeking Direction, Speaking Engagements, Spiritual Growth, Steps to Freedom, True Identity
By Tanya Jolliffe RDN, LD, CIMHP I was in the second grade at a new school out at recess proudly wearing a lovely new green hand knit hooded sweater coat that my grandmother had made for me for Christmas. It was winter and cold, so I had the hood up. Very...
by Tanya Jolliffe | Oct 25, 2021 | Acceptance, Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Grace, Hope, Relationship with God, Relationships, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth
By Tanya Jolliffe For a few years, I led a six-month discipleship program for high school students as part of a church confirmation experience. Each fall, my co-leader and I would take the group on an overnight retreat for team building and fun. We coordinated the fun...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Sep 22, 2021 | Acceptance, Books, Christian Living, Discover Truth, Motivation, Relationship with God, Relationships, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis Do I really have to? Sounds like something a child might say, doesn’t it. But let’s be real for a minute. Do you still sometimes have this thought, even though you may not actually verbalize it? (Hand raised, finger pointed down at...