It’s a Girl!

It’s a Girl!

By Melody Vanosdol God is always faithful. I’m still working on it. We’ve talked before about the times we don’t necessarily realize we’re praying in my devotion An Automatic Response. God’s Word tells us that “The Spirit himself...
It’s All About the Choice

It’s All About the Choice

By Tanya Jolliffe As a registered dietitian and certified integrative mental health professional, I help people develop a healthier relationship with food. In many conversations with my clients, the focus shifts to decision-making and the power of choices. The...
Don’t Toss It Out

Don’t Toss It Out

By RaeLynn DeAngelis Many of my friends have lost both of their parents, which makes me treasure time with my mom all the more. Since my mom lives several states away, many of our conversations take place over the phone. I’m grateful for technology that allows...
Come As You Are

Come As You Are

By RaeLynn DeAngelis   Gerry and I had been invited to our friend’s birthday celebration. It was on the same day we were to attend a funeral service for a friend. I thought to myself, how ironic. Two celebrations on the same day, one celebrating life...
This Is Me

This Is Me

By Terrie McNeil “I am brave, I am bruised, I am who I’m meant to be, this is me.” – The Greatest Showman I recently had someone tell me that I’m an expert in the area of beauty. I remember thinking the moment I heard those words, “An expert? In...
Keep On, Keeping On

Keep On, Keeping On

By Tanya Jolliffe When I was a junior in college, one of my professors made a statement that has come back to me repeatedly over the years. She was teaching about administrative leadership in food service and said, “Remember, the person who does the job knows...