By Tanya Jolliffe

In the winter of 2003, a friend wanted to run a marathon. She set her sights on a race date a few months away and enrolled in a training program at a local athletic retail store. A few weeks into her training, she discovered that the race she was interested in also had a five-person marathon relay.

One night when our small group was out to dinner, our friend was sharing about her training and how cool it would be if two other couples ran the relay with her husband to support her in the race. There was a lot of excitement about the possibility of family members watching our children for a long weekend away and the benefits of having something to train for to keep us committed to being active.

As we drove home from dinner that evening, my husband and I were questioning what we had gotten ourselves into. We had been actively working out, but now we had committed to a relay race with three other people. Several legs were four miles long, and the others were six. Indeed, we could be prepared to run six miles. My parents agreed to host our children for the long weekend, so we began training, and when the time came, we each completed our leg of the race while our friend finished her first marathon.

We train and prepare for many things in our lives, from races to the arrival of a new family member, whether human or with fur. But God also prepares us throughout our lives for the plans and purpose he has for us, just like he did David, Moses, and a host of others in scripture.

I have been reading the book of 1 Samuel and discussing it with friends recently. When we got to the chapters where David committed to fighting Goliath, the preparation of David jumped out at me. He was a Shepard working in a field caring for sheep. In that role, David had to fight off bears and lions to protect his flock in that position. His father sends him to check on his older brothers, and when he gets there, he sees this large Philistine that has everyone running in fear instead of fighting in faith.

In 1 Samuel 17:34-37 David remembers and shares with King Saul about his experiences and how God prepared him for the plans he had for him to fight the Philistine in faith. He shared how God helped him be successful and the reason for his confidence in the outcome of his battle with the large Philistine; God did it before, and God will do it again.

God gives us various experiences and situations in our lives to prepare us for the crucial actions we are to face. Knowing God has helped us be successful before SHOULD give us the confidence to know we can be successful again, except when we let the enemy get in our heads with lies that lead to doubt, uncertainty, and fear. In those times, we must put on the full armor of God to take our stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11 NIV).

In Jeremiah 29:11 NIV, we read, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God knows the individual plan he has for each one of us. He prepares us throughout life to have the experience and skills to succeed through him by moving forward in faith over fear.

As you face a challenge ahead of you, take these actions:

  • Recount the past experiences God has provided you in the prior years to prepare you for this current challenge.
  • Remember how God has helped you be successful in the past and the lessons you learned that helped you grow.
  • Be confident of the power of God within you to tap into faith to help overcome fear.
  • Take a step forward in faith, don’t allow the unknown to keep you in one place.

In 1 Samuel 17:51, we see David finish what he started. We can have confidence in our victory and success if we stay focused on the Lord’s word and not the enemy’s lies, remembering God is with us and is our guide and strength. 

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