By Michele Eich

Like many women my age, I often struggle with the frustrations that come with weight gain, fatigue, and the aging process. One day God shifted the way I thought about this, and I began to see myself in an entirely new light.

Every year my husband and I look forward to a very special season in the woods when we hunt the elusive and delectable morel mushroom. These delicious little morsels of fungus make me happy on many levels. I’ve heard someone describe searching for them as “Easter egg hunting for adults.” That is about right, but no candy can compare to their earthy and savory scrumptiousness.

After spending hours in the woods one spring day, I felt tired, sore, and dejected. Getting up and down hill and dale after 50 plus trips around the sun had left me exhausted. Like many, I had lost a few pounds at the beginning of the year, but somehow, I had put them back on. Carrying extra weight as I climbed hills and crossed fences did not feel good at all. My intentions to exercise daily waned in mid-February, and I was left huffing and puffing trying to keep up with my husband (a.k.a. the Energizer Bunny).

All of this (and not finding many morels) left me feeling massively bummed. That evening, I peeled off my mud-caked clothes and decided to get in the tub to appease my aching muscles. As I soaked, the negative self-talk began. “You are too old to be doing this. You should have kept the weight off. Why didn’t you exercise more to be in better shape? You knew you would need to be physically fit to spend this much time in the woods.” On and on it went. Maybe you can relate.

God began to speak, and I listened intently as His words and the warm water washed over me. He reminded me of all of the incredible things my body had done over the years. It helped me get from A to B each and every day. It miraculously healed from sicknesses, injuries, and mishaps. My body traveled and saw incredible views, heard amazing sounds, and smelled fantastic fragrances.

I looked at my wrinkled hands and thought of the multitude of meals I prepared for my family. These hands changed thousands of diapers, comforted babies, and even swatted a few behinds. My hands have gripped those of my husband in prayer, wiped away a multitude of tears, and caressed the soft chubby cheeks of my beautiful granddaughter.

I saw my feet and was reminded of the adventurous places they had taken me, my favorite being walks on the beach with sand in between my toes. In that moment, I chose not to look at the flaws of my feet, but the fact that God calls them beautiful because they help me bring good news to people.

Amidst the bubbles, I noticed my belly and was reminded not of my waistline, but of the four amazing children I carried. What an incredible miracle! I thought of my back and how it allowed me to move, bend, stand, and balance as that belly grew. I could have focused on the backache I was feeling, but God helped me see it with joy as the strong nerve center of my being.

I also thought of the not-so-great things my body did over the years. The sin, the disobedience, the wandering, the searching… It was a time of quiet reflection, not condemnation. Thankfully I have been forgiven of those transgressions because of the grace of God and the shed blood of Jesus on the cross. Now that I have found true love in Christ, there is not a need to fill the void with anyone or anything else.

Instead of berating myself for not being thinner or in better shape, I began to look at my body in awe. I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made as stated in Psalm 139. In these tender moments with my Creator, my heart turned from being downtrodden and upset to appreciative and joyful. Through my many flaws and shortcomings, I saw the creative beauty and power of God. It helped me to receive His love and then love myself a little better that day.

Let’s face it; our “earth suits” are wearing out. However, we are so much more than our physical bodies that God put together in such incomprehensible ways. As we walk with the Lord, we get stronger on the inside. The Apostle Paul recognized this truth and put it this way: “We do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:16-17).

After that long soak in the tub as God spoke to me about what He created, I have begun to see my body in a new light. I love myself where I am. And when I love something, I care for it more intentionally. That is my biggest takeaway from my time of soaking in His presence. This gratitude has sparked more joy in my daily life. It has made me feel better in every way, so has finding those elusive little morels which tasted oh so good.

Looking for a way to connect with God daily? CLICK HERE to check out our new daily devotional: Living in Truth Mind, Body, Spirit.

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