By Rae Lynn DeAngelis

It’s the same scenario every morning. I wake up early, ready to embrace a new day. (Most of the time, it’s still dark outside.) My internal clock needs no alarm. It’s automatically set for 5:00 AM. The moment I open my eyes, I hear praise and worship songs repeating over and over in the background of my mind.

It’s nothing new. It’s been happening to me for years, but lately, these praise songs never stop. Even during the daytime, I notice them. Like right now, the song playing in my mind is Jireh by Elevation Worship and Maverick City. My favorite part is the chorus. It’s on repeat over and over in my mind.  

You are Jireh, You are enough

Forever enough

Always enough

More than enough

But there are other songs ringing in my mind these days, songs like Brighter Days by Blessings Offor and Welcome Resurrection by Elevation Worship. I can’t stop or control the flow of music in my spirit. It just happens. And I’m glad it does. Worship helps connect me with God in a special way, and I find that it is mutually beneficial. While it glorifies Him, it strengthens and encourages me. (Song titles are linked if you want to listen.)

We are all unique and express worship in different ways. Some worship through song, others through nature. Just the other day I had lunch with a dear friend who said she connects with God on the golf course. Apparently, she’s not alone. Scottie Scheffler, the young golfer who won the 2022 Masters, said something similar.  

Let’s face it. It’s been a rough couple of years. Our world has gone crazy in many ways. Every day ushers in some kind of new crisis. It feels like we are in the boxing ring with Satan himself, and every time we try to stand up, he keeps knocking us down. Try as he might to destroy us, he is not going to win. Spoiler alert… God wins!!

“Strengthen the feeble hands,

    steady the knees that give way;

say to those with fearful hearts,

    “Be strong, do not fear;

your God will come,

    he will come with vengeance;

with divine retribution

    he will come to save you” (Isaiah 35:3-4).

Friends, I believe good things are coming our way. We are on the precipice of something big, something good, something amazing. I feel it in my spirit. Do you?

Let’s not put our focus on what’s going on in the physical world. Instead, let’s trust God’s higher ways and believe He has good things for us on the horizon. So, keep on singing, keep on praying, and keep on praising. Don’t be discouraged, and never fear. Jehovah Jireh is ALWAYS enough!

I will praise the Lord all my life;

    I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

Do not put your trust in princes,

    in human beings, who cannot save.

When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;

    on that very day their plans come to nothing.

Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,

    whose hope is in the Lord their God” (Psalm 146:2-5).

Looking for a way to connect with God daily? CLICK HERE to check out our new daily devotional: Living in Truth Mind, Body, Spirit.