By Rae Lynn DeAngelis

Do I really have to? Sounds like something a child might say, doesn’t it. But let’s be real for a minute. Do you still sometimes have this thought, even though you may not actually verbalize it? (Hand raised, finger pointed down at myself.) The thought crosses my mind more often than you might think. Just being honest.

For most of my life, I’ve struggled to overcome two negative mindsets: insecurity and fear. Both of these are driven by something else, my desire for comfort. Bottom line, I don’t like getting out of my comfort zone: physically, emotionally, mentally, or relationally. As a result, my flesh nature gravitates towards operating within the context of what I like to call the safe/non-threatening zone.

But thankfully, the closer I grow in my relationship with Jesus, the more I desire to deny my flesh and operate in the spirit. My spiritual self has become a lot more bold. Over the years, I’ve taken more and more risks. Yes, I still feel discomfort, but I have found that when I push past the discomfort, trust God, and charge ahead, life is a lot more interesting. Exciting even.

“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires” (Romans 8:5 NIV).

My latest “stepping out of the safe zone” is publishing my newest devotional book, Living in Truth Mind, Body, Spirit.

Why is this such a challenge for me?

Well, I love to write; it’s my passion. But when it comes to publishing my writings, something else comes into play, marketing. And that’s the part of writing a book that I (dare I say it?) hate. Promoting my books makes me extremely uncomfortable, and I start thinking… Do I really have to? What if people don’t like the book? What if they think it’s too expensive? What if they get turned off and start thinking that I’m being prideful and self-promoting? What if the book fails? What if… what if…. what if… ? (Fill in the blank.)

Thankfully, my publishing coach is helping me to overcome this mindset. She has given me truth that helps me push past the discomfort and remember, people cannot read a book that they don’t know about. She says, “What you and the contributing authors have written is really good. It needs to be out there. This book will help women grow closer to Jesus. How could that be anything but good? You need to believe in this book. Believing in it will make it easier to promote.”

Guess what? She’s absolutely right.

So, I’m taken her advice and letting you know; ladies, this book is really good! You and the many Christian women in your life will be richly blessed to implement this devotional into your daily time with God. Each devotion is short but packed with biblical truth. The book is big, over 450 pages so it will last you a long time. The devotions are titled, not numbered, so if you miss a day, there’s nothing to make you feel guilty about it. (Someone wrote that in their book review, so I thought I would pass it along.) Each of these daily stories will bring God’s Word to life in a way that makes sense, teaching you apply the truths to your own life.

Sweet Sister, do you desire to grow spiritually but feel you don’t have the time (or knowledge) to implement spiritual practices? Perhaps you’re overwhelmed by day-to-day responsibilities. Do you long for peace and balance but don’t know how to get there? Maybe you even struggle to see how the Bible relates for you personally. It seems outdated, no longer relevant, let alone applicable.

Living in Truth Mind, Body, Spirit will help you develop inner spiritual practices that will impact every aspect of your day-to-day life. A deeper spiritual life doesn’t have to be hard. Let us guide you to see God at work through everyday life experiences.

Grab a copy of Living in Truth Mind, Body, Spirit for yourself, a friend, your mom, or adult daughter and begin your journey towards a deeper spiritual life today.

“The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” (Romans 8:16).