By Michele Eich

I love ‘God smiles’. It’s when God shows up and lets us know that we are in the right place at the right time, and He sees us. This particular ‘God grin’ totally blew my mind however, and I am still reeling from it all. If it didn’t happen to me, I am not sure I would have even believed it. You may already know that I have a show called Voices of Recovery. Every week I interview someone who has overcome a life-controlling issue with God’s help. The testimonies of transformation are incredible, and I could listen to them all day long.

In this particular episode, I was interviewing Reverend Amy Miranda. She wrote the book Prostitute to Pastor: A woman’s journey from the spotlight to God’s Light. The title itself screams transformation which is what happens to us when we come to faith in Jesus and surrender our lives to Him.

Reverend Amy was talking about her life as a prostitute and how it is not like what is portrayed in movies like Pretty Woman. Her life was not glamorous at all. Instead it was dangerous, demeaning, and it left her completely shattered. Amy added that she felt so broken that she believed no one could put her back together again.

This reminded me of a talk I had given about eight years ago. I was speaking at an event for moms and daughters. The theme was fairy tales. I spoke about how there is some truth to fairy tales. For example, we do get to marry the prince (Jesus). I then said, “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again…but the King could.” Reverend Amy agreed that this was so true.

The interview was recorded and sitting on my desktop awaiting release several days later. (I don’t go live any more due to wardrobe malfunctions, technology issues, and guest appearances by my dog.) That very night, I went to a church meeting where they were hosting a special event. I had just moved to a new town and only knew the woman who brought me there.

The main speaker was a powerfully prophetic woman who preached and spoke over many people in the audience. She went over to a teenage girl and hugged her tight. This girl sobbed into the minister’s bosom for a long time and felt the comfort she offered. Finally, the minister spoke and said, “You are so broken, and so wounded, but just remember this: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again, but God could.” Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??!!

I about fell out of my chair! It had been eight years since I had said that, and yet on the very day, a minister said the same thing in a similar context. I wanted to run around the room and declare once again how amazing God is!

This blessed me in many ways. First, it let me know that I was hearing from God. Trust me, there is nothing more amazing than hearing from our Heavenly Father. Second, it comforted me in my recent move as I was still missing my former home and friends there. Finally, it reminded me that only the King can put the shattered pieces of our lives together. The king’s horses and king’s men simply couldn’t get the job done.

Maybe you’re like many who often go to God as a last resort. When all else fails, then we will pray about it or seek His wisdom. I used to be like that, but no more. I am learning to take everything to God first. This is a real time saver. It is also a lot easier on the wallet when we take our problems to the King right out of the gate.

We go to the king’s men for counseling. We go to the king’s men for healing. We go to the king’s men for comfort. We go to the king’s men for answers. We go to the king’s men to put the broken pieces back together. However, when we take our burdens, infirmities, troubles, wounds, and shattered pieces to the King of kings and Lord of lords, then we can get the help that we desperately need. He is so good and able to do what man cannot!

I pray that this will inspire you to give all of your broken pieces to the King. He is our Creator, and when we let Him, He will put us back together in such a way that people will not even realize we’ve been broken in the first place. That is, unless we tell them. As Reverend Amy so eloquently spoke during our interview, “If I don’t tell what God did, people won’t know what He can do.”

Let’s end with an amazing ‘God smile’ about how incredibly capable the King truly is. “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:20, 21).

Michele Eich is an author, speaker, certified growth coach, licensed minister, and the host of the show, Voices of Recovery. She and her husband, Lynn have six amazing children and several fantastic grandchildren. They enjoy boating, traveling, and going on various adventures with their faithful golden retriever, Sunshine. To learn more about Michele or contact her, please visit or To join her current movement, please visit