By Alison Feinauer

Will you play?  Stop and play.  Stop the thoughts, over analyzing, the worrying, the processing and have. some. fun.

I had become very critical of anyone who wasn’t working.  Playing had become a word for the immature and the lazy.  I was sitting on the couch working away and I heard my 10 year old playing tag with some friends. They were giggling and screaming and having a blast.  I thought, “When was the last time I did that?  That’s what kids are supposed to do.  I’m glad he’s having fun.”  He asked me to join in, but I said, “No, mommy has more work to do.” 

The next morning, I was sitting and listening to a song. The lyrics were, “Your goodness is running after me.” The thought came to me that God is chasing me with his goodness, but I just keep running away with my thoughts.  I’m too serious.  I’d had an overwhelming week, too much on my to do list with too little time. I’d been frustrated and trying to “analyze” what God was trying to teach me in the new trial I was facing.  

In the middle of the night, I woke up and felt prompted by him loud and clear: Stop! Come and Play! Laugh more. Lighten up!  

I immediately jumped on Pinterest and searched for boy mom humor, and found something to laugh about.  I asked God to show me how to have fun and do things that I enjoyed.  My next few days were lighter. My mood was better. I realized how much love Jesus had for me, and He restored to me joy.  I wasn’t so short with my family. I was kinder and slower.  It was freeing. And I said, “yes” to playing with my son.

Are you busy?  Is your mind full or are you being mindful?  Have you played lately?  Laughed lately?  Jesus wants all of you to have all of it.  He wants fullness of Joy for you.  

What do you need to let go of in order to give yourself permission to play?  Playing is doing something that has no “production” value.  

Make a list of things you enjoy and make time to do them. It’s restorative and what your soul may need.

God, I know I’ve been carrying a lot lately.  I’m sorry I haven’t been trusting you more.  I need help to let it go and learn how to play.  You know the load I’m carrying, so I’m asking you to give me strength to set it down and enjoy the life you’ve given me and the people you’ve put in it.  Bring me uncontrollable laughter and times to relax and play.  Provide space and time for me even if I don’t see it’s possible.  I know that you care even about those things in my life.  Lead me and I’ll follow.  Amen

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones (Proverbs 17:22 ESV).

Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear (Matthew 11:28-30 TPT).