By Alison Feinauer

The other day, a thought came to me that I should fast from exercise.

I didn’t like this thought.

For a long time, I’ve not been prioritizing my time with God but have definitely made time to exercise. I knew this was a nudge from God.

Exercise isn’t bad in itself. It’s where I place it that can be deadly to my soul. And so began my 7 day fast without exercise.  

For some people, that would sound great. For those who know addictions and how this can be our means of control, you can relate to how this would be hard for me.

I had fears of getting fat, losing muscle, of not desiring to exercise anymore, or losing the discipline to, and withdrawals from the natural exercise high I get in the mornings.

At first, there wasn’t anything magical about it, just obedience and letting these fears go.

That hour I spent with Jesus each morning was amazing. I felt closer to Jesus and feel like I’m hearing him more.  I also believe that through this, I know without a doubt that He has my attention and my trust.  He can speak to me and I will follow.

What I’m coming to believe is that I can have a healthier relationship with exercise and it doesn’t have to drive me or control me. I believe that my hope and habits are being put in the proper place, at the feet of Jesus. That is where they will stay with his help.

Is there something about which you are saying, “no, I will NOT give that up.” Is there something you are clenching?  

This could be your children, your marriage, a habit that you love. . .  Check in with Him. Put it all on the table. Whatever makes you clench your fist, that’s probably the thing you are putting on the throne.  Lay it down before our Father and see what beautiful things He will make of it.

During my fast, I journaled these words, thinking that if our Father was sitting beside me, this is what He would say to me:

Alison, I love you. I love hearing these words from you. Thank you for obeying the nudge. That you are willing to put this aside shows me how much you love me.  Yes, exercise is healthy and I’ve given you gifts in this area, but before I can take you to the next level, I need to know that you don’t think it’s the answer above Me, that it’s not on your throne. I’m doing a new thing. Can you see it? Do you sense it (Isaiah 43:19)? I love you and want to hold you close in my lap. If you can see from where I’m sitting, you are on the right path. You are close, next to my right side. You are walking in step, and I’m ordering them for you (Psalm 37:23). I’m making you a light to draw others in (Acts 13:47). Let’s have another day together. I want to show you more of my miracles!!!!

Give Him whatever you are putting before Him, and see where He leads you. He’s worthy of it all.

“Jesus answered, ‘It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only’” (Luke 4:8).

“But I have been the Lord your God ever since you came out of Egypt. You shall acknowledge no God but me, no Savior except me” (Hosea 13:4).