Today’s Post By: Rae Lynn DeAngelis

Satan builds his strongholds in the secrets of our lives and reinforces them by our silence. When we break the silence we break the strongholds. ~Jonas Biehler

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Satan gains power when things are kept a secret!

For me, the first step toward breaking free from my eating disorder was in some ways the biggest and most important—I exposed my twenty-five year old secret to a trusted friend. She then encouraged me to also divulge my secret to a group of women in my Bible study group. The more people who knew about my bulimia, the less power Satan had over my life.  Satan lost power; but I gained it!

After my confession I felt support, encouragement, and love pouring through my dear sisters. I was no longer alone in my battle. Several mighty warriors prayed for me on a daily basis, held me accountable, and spoke truth into my life. In true Christian fashion, they became the hands and feet of Jesus. That’s when the real healing began!

Eventually, I worked up the courage to tell my husband. This was really hard because he honestly had no idea I had been battling this demon. He was hurt because I hid it from him for so long, but he was also thankful to finally know the truth. It took some time to rebuild the trust between us. Just because I was moving ahead towards recovery, didn’t mean I was exempt from facing consequences for my actions.

Over time I shared my secret with others.  With each confession I was afraid of what people might think of me, but my fears never materialized. I was always embraced with love, compassion and forgiveness.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” (James 5:16)

Don’t give Satan control over your life any longer. Break the silence, and break the stronghold!