Today’s Post By: Rae Lynn DeAngelis

“O unbelieving generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?” (Mark 9:19) 

When I was struggling to overcome my twenty-five year bondage to bulimia, I faced a long uphill battle, but I didn’t face it alone. God was by my side every step of the way.  I can’t image trying to overcome something like an eating disorder without the strength and support of our Heavenly Father.  

Although I didn’t go through the traditional means of recovery, such as through a doctor or therapist, I did have the Great Physician and Wonderful Counselor, Jesus Christ.  I also had the support of godly women who encouraged me and spoke truth into my life. Throughout my recovery process, God’s most effective ministering came to me through the study of His Word.  He used two bible studies to guide my journey to freedom – Breaking Free and Believing God – both by Beth MooreThese bible studies became instrumental in my healing process.  

Breaking free from a stronghold is difficult.  It feels as though you are a prisoner in your own body, unable to break free from the chains that bind you.  Thankfully, God helps us find the key to unlock our prison door.  I found my key to freedom in the book of Mark, chapter nine.  It was the story where a man brings his demon possessed son to Jesus to be healed.

“Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”  Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:21-24)

As soon as I read this passage I realized that, like the boy’s father, I had some unbelief in my heart.  I believed God could and had healed other people but I didn’t really believe God could or would be able to heal me. 

“The longest journey a man must take is the eighteen inches from his head to his heart.” ~Unknown

Is this ever true!  My head and heart were miles apart, especially when it came to breaking free from my eating disorder.

The disciples later ask Jesus why they were not able to drive the demon out of the boy, themselves, and Jesus replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” (Mark 9:28-29)

Recognizing my own unbelief, I began praying every day…God, help me overcome my unbelief. 

Guess what?  He did, and little by little I began trusting Him. Finally I said, alright God, I’m going to take you at your Word here and believe you can heal me. Of course He was always capable; He was just waiting for me to believe it!  Since that day it has no longer been my burden to carry.  I have given it over to God – the only one capable of taking it from me.

Perhaps there is something you are struggling to overcome.  Is it possible that you have unbelief buried deep within? Take that long journey from your head to your heart and just like me, God will help you overcome your unbelief – I promise!