by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Dec 5, 2016 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Hope, Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Growth
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” (Romans 8:22) Pain. It’s something we’ve all experienced and have, at least to some extent, Adam and Eve to thank for it. “To the...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Nov 28, 2016 | Body Image, Discover Truth, Hope, Renewing the Mind, True Identity
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? What little girl hasn’t twirled in front of the mirror, seeking an answer to this universal question? It’s as if the desire for sanctioned approval is part of our DNA. And perhaps it is....
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Nov 21, 2016 | Discover Truth, Finding Purpose, Forgiveness, Grace, Hope, Relationships, Spiritual Growth
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis While I love the change of seasons in the Midwest, winter is my least favorite time of year. With temperatures dipping into the single digits and even past the below zero mark, the frosty months are unbearable for warm weather enthusiasts like...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Nov 7, 2016 | Christian Living, Discover Truth, Finding Purpose, Hope, Spiritual Growth
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis “So [Jesus] said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go…” (Luke 5:24) I recently heard an inspiring teaching on a passage of scripture found in the book of Luke. Perhaps it will encourage you too. Luke chapter five tells...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Nov 1, 2016 | Christian Living, Discover Truth, Seeking Direction, Spiritual Growth
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis I sometimes find myself stuck, unable to string meaningful thoughts and ideas together when it’s time to write something for Living in Truth Ministries. The blinking curser across the computer screen mocks my futile efforts. Face it…...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Oct 17, 2016 | Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Embrace Freedom, Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away” (Matthew 13:24:25). Every year my husband spreads a chemical across our...