by RaeLynn DeAngelis | May 6, 2019 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Embrace Freedom, Find Hope, Relationship with God, Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Growth, True Identity
By Kimberly Davidson A counseling client asked me what I believed was the primary wound I carried from my past. After thinking for a moment, I answered, “I wasn’t chosen.” In school I was regularly left out of groups, and chosen last to be on a sports team. This...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Apr 29, 2019 | Body Image, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Eating Disorders, Embrace Freedom, Grace, Hope, Renewing the Mind, Steps to Freedom
By Alison Feinauer I just got back from vacation. On our cruise ship there was a ropes course over the ocean. From the deck of the ship, it didn’t seem too bad. Looking up at the three story course and all the people doing it, they made it seem fun and...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Apr 22, 2019 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Eating Disorders, Embrace Freedom, Find Hope, Finding Purpose, Grace, Hope, Seeking Direction, Spiritual Growth, Steps to Freedom
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis “So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch” (Acts 11:26). When God brought me to this Scripture in Acts, I immediately thought about my dear...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Apr 15, 2019 | Body Image, Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Eating Disorders, Embrace Freedom, Find Hope, Relationship with God, Renewing the Mind, Steps to Freedom
By Kelsey Klepper My two-and-a-half-year-old is strong-willed. He’s funny, loving, and adventurous too, but he is stubborn. He can throw it down at any time, but typically throw downs don’t happen when he feels like he’s in control of the situation (and sometimes he...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Apr 8, 2019 | Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Relationships, Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Growth, True Identity, Uncategorized
By Kimberly Davidson Take a moment to study this famous picture. No doubt you’ve seen it a hundred times. He’s quite famous in his own right. Heavily marketed, he has been featured in stamps, Christmas cards, postcards, T-shirts, lockets, mugs, wrapping paper and...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Apr 1, 2019 | Body Image, Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Embrace Freedom, Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Growth, True Identity
By Alison Feinauer I was reading a book the other day, and the illustration in it really rocked me. A man bought an old boat and had it rehabbed. He paid tons of money to have it made it all shining and new looking. It was beautiful. He...