by RaeLynn DeAngelis | May 3, 2021 | Acceptance, Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Find Hope, Grace, Hope, Relationship with God, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis I was a little perplexed when I noticed the back section of our barely used leather recliner beginning to crack and peel. It was an eyesore! And, of course, it was out of warranty. All I wanted to do was cover it up. No, it wasn’t the end...
by Tanya Jolliffe | Apr 19, 2021 | Acceptance, Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Find Hope, Hope, Motivation, Renewing the Mind
By Tanya Jolliffe RDN, LD, CMHIMP Spring has sprung, and today the words to the 1970’s Chicago song, “Beginnings” keep going through my head. “Only the beginning, only just the start.” Each year, spring reminds us of new life, new...
by Alison Feinauer | Apr 12, 2021 | Body Image, Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Find Hope, Motivation, Relationship with God, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth, True Identity
By Alison Feinauer I teach workout classes at a local gym and often have new students come in and say, “I want my arms to look like that” as they point to someone in the gym. They will ask me what they need to do to achieve this goal. ...
by RaeLynn DeAngelis | Apr 5, 2021 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Embrace Freedom, Find Hope, Hope, Motivation, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Steps to Freedom
By Rae Lynn DeAngelis For the past several years, our family has celebrated two significant holidays side-by-side—Passover and Easter. Together, these holidays complete God’s redemption story, bringing it full-circle, matching the physical to the spiritual. When God...
by Sheree Craig | Mar 29, 2021 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Embrace Freedom, Find Hope, Hope, Motivation, Relationship with God, Renewing the Mind, Replacing Lies with Truth, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Warfare, True Identity
By Sheree Craig “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV). Scripture teaches us...
by Tanya Jolliffe | Mar 22, 2021 | Christian Living, Daily Encouragement, Discover Truth, Grace, Renewing the Mind, Spiritual Growth
By Tanya Jolliffe RDN, LD, CMHIMP Perhaps you have heard the saying, “patience is a virtue.” The saying reportedly comes from the poem called “Piers Plowman” written by William Langland back in the 14th century. Maybe it was a lot easier...