Imagine Heaven

Imagine Heaven

By RaeLynn DeAngelis What are some of the things in life that motivate, inspire, or transform you? Things that don’t just alter what you believe, but change the way you think, act, and live? Jesus? Absolutely! Family and friends? You bet. Experiences?  Many...
A Place of Honor

A Place of Honor

By Rhonda Stinson “I am not doing very good,” said Nina, one of my ESL (English as a Second Language) students. “Learning takes time, Nina,” I encouraged. Hang in there, and I assure you, you will make progress.” Frustration was written...
Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully

By RaeLynn DeAngelis As I peered into the free-standing mirror to apply makeup one morning, I noticed a few new wrinkles and age spots had appeared. A reminder that I’m not as young as I used to be. A few minutes later while drying my hair, I couldn’t help...
First Lady Eve

First Lady Eve

By Rae Lynn DeAngelis When a colleague asked me to be part of a devotional series focused on women in the Bible and the lessons we can learn through their example, I immediately sensed that God wanted me to focus on Eve. While preparing what to share, God reminded me...