Best You 2022

Best You 2022

By Tanya Jolliffe RDN, LD, CIMHP I was in the second grade at a new school out at recess proudly wearing a lovely new green hand knit hooded sweater coat that my grandmother had made for me for Christmas. It was winter and cold, so I had the hood up. Very...
Don’t Ignore It

Don’t Ignore It

By Rae Lynn DeAngelis Jesus says, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener” (John 15:1). We were going to replace the diseased weeping cherry tree in our front landscaping bed that was removed, but as so often happens, time got away from us and...
How Do You Measure Your Worth?

How Do You Measure Your Worth?

By Sheree Craig With the thousands of diet plans and self-help books in society, you would think we could reach a healthy physical and emotional state easily.  So, why do 1 in 5 adults experience mental illness each year? With depression and anxiety on the rise,...