It’s All About the Choice

It’s All About the Choice

By Tanya Jolliffe As a registered dietitian and certified integrative mental health professional, I help people develop a healthier relationship with food. In many conversations with my clients, the focus shifts to decision-making and the power of choices. The...
Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive Thoughts

By Rhonda Stinson Whoops, I did it again—more chickens! A friend asked me if I wanted thirteen chickens. I took two beauties and gradually introduced them to my other hens. The hens were not accepting of the two newbies. They pecked them until I couldn’t stand...


By Melody Vanosdol God is always faithful. I’m still working on it. Four years ago, one of my best friends asked me if I would get my SCUBA diving certification with her. I laughed a little and said, “yes.” I’m from Indiana. The...
Audience of ONE

Audience of ONE

By Alison Feinauer My son came home sick from school. That same day I was already going to get his phone fixed because of a cracked screen.  After doing the math to replace the screen vs. upgrading to a newer phone, it was a better investment to get a newer (but not...