By RaeLynn DeAngelis

We witness the fury of nature when storms and tornadoes rip across the land, leaving behind trails of destruction in their wake. These tragedies become bold reminders that in a matter of minutes, lives can be changed forever.

Several years ago, I experienced first-hand the damage tornados can leave behind. It was when my husband, daughter, and I were living with my parents, waiting for our home to be built.

After tucking our then two-year-old daughter into bed, I headed downstairs to watch the news with my parents. Forecasters were predicting intense storms moving through the area overnight, but because these kind of spring storms take place every year, I didn’t think too much about it. My husband and I went off to bed, but my parents stayed up to watch the news for a while longer. It’s a good thing they did.

I had just fallen asleep when my parents yelled upstairs that we needed to get into the basement. A tornado warning had been issued for our area. Loud sirens began to wail, warning our community of imminent danger. Along with the sirens, we could hear howling winds and pounding rains pelting against the window pane. When the electricity shut off, reality set in. This was serious! My husband and I leaped out of bed and ran to get our daughter.

Anxiously, we crouched in the corner of the basement covered with blankets, waiting for the storm to pass. Our daughter started crying sensing something was wrong, but I kept trying to reassure her that everything was okay. In my heart, I wasn’t so sure.

Then came dead silencethe calm before the storm. Off in the distance we could hear a faint roaring sound growing louder and louder. It sounded like a freight train gathering up speed to barrel through my parents’ home. My husband and father took this as their cue to join us under the blankets. Frantically we prayed over and over… Please dear God, keep us safe.

Then, just as quickly as the storm appeared, it was gone. The electricity was out, but we were safe. We went back to bed completely unaware of the devastation surrounding us.

The next morning, the sun crept over the horizon and burst through the trees as if to mock the night before. It was surreal to see clear blue skies after the storm’s wrath just hours earlier. As I peered out the window, I began to realize just how lucky we were. Debris scattered across my parent’s lawn and a huge tree lay on its side, completely uprooted.

As we walked up the street, our hearts shuddered at the horror. Home after home was ripped apart—half gone. The storm had no respect for man or his property. Clothing was scattered all over—littering the ground and dangling from the trees. Personal items of all kinds were strewn about as if they were nothing. One home was completely obliterated, while another, just yards away, was virtually untouched. It was as if the storm chose its victims one by one.

Nothing can prepare you for that kind of devastation. We were extremely grateful. Only a few shingles were lost from my parent’s home.

In the weeks and months that followed, a great outpouring of love and support came from the surrounding communities as people began to rebuild their homes and lives. “They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” (Isaiah 61:4)

Are you facing a storm in your life? Perhaps you find yourself wandering around in complete shock by the devastation it has left behind. Does it feel like pieces of your life are strewn about for the whole world to see? Things may appear bleak right now, but like the morning after the storm, the sun will shine again. Your life will be restored.

The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. (Isaiah 58:11-12)

Keep trusting in the Lord. He will help you pick up the pieces and rebuild the ruins of your life.

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