Believers, Followers of Jesus, Sons and Daughters of the King, it is time to arise and shine, to be the LIGHT and LOVE of GOD during this increasing time of darkness.

By RaeLynn DeAngelis

Whenever friends or family come to visit us in Florida during our winter migration period, Gerry and I take them to one of our favorite tourist hotspots, the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. It’s a great place to visit because it is just minutes from our home and there’s quite a bit to do in the area. In addition to climbing to the top of the lighthouse, there are several surrounding out-buildings that double as mini museums, telling of its history, and of course, like every other tourist attraction, there’s a gift shop with trinkets to remember the day. There’s even a marine and bird sanctuary within walking distance, as well as several beach type restaurants on the waterfront to help complete the day of fun.

When our friends Tanya and Scott came for a visit last winter, our trip to the lighthouse included an added bonus, one that none of us were expecting. Moments after reaching the top of the lighthouse, a SpaceX shuttle launched, giving our guests a bird’s eye view of the rumbling rocket as it shot across the sky directly overhead. Talk about a memorable trip to the lighthouse!

The first American lighthouse was built in Boston, Massachusetts and made its debut in 1716. It became a template for all the other lighthouses within the original thirteen colonies. The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse was constructed in 1835 and stands 175 ft. tall, making it the tallest lighthouse in Florida and one of the tallest in the United States. 

Lighthouses have been guiding wayward sailors for centuries. They became essential indicators for sailors before the invention of electronic depth finders and navigation tools. These towering beacons of light kept ships and boats from peril by providing a bright marker so they wouldn’t run aground.

God’s Word commissions believers to be beacons of light in this world. It’s a fitting charge since Christians are called to reflect the love of Jesus, and Jesus is the light of the world (John 1:4).

If there is one thing this world needs now, it is the light and love of Jesus. And we, dear brothers and sisters, are the ones to shine it brightly. We are His hands and feet, and we are called to bring light to the darkness, and hope to the hopeless.

Like mini lighthouses all over the world, followers of Jesus are called by Him to light the way, keeping our fellow sojourners from imminent peril. The turbulence is only going to get worse if we remain silent or invisible. The enemy would have us believe that we are the minority in this world, but I don’t believe it’s true. Even if we are fewer, we are not the minority because we have Almighty God on our side. Believing we are the minority is a lie straight from the pit of hell. It is meant to keep Believers hidden under a bushel, hiding their light because of fear that they will be rejected, or even worse, snuffed out completely. Friends, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to let my light shine no matter the consequences. If people reject me, so be it. I’m in good company because they first rejected Jesus. 

Believers, Followers of Jesus, Sons and Daughters of the King, it is time to arise and shine, to be the LIGHT and LOVE of GOD during this increasing time of darkness. Let’s be a CITY ON A HILL giving light to ALL THE NATIONS. This is what the world needs right now. Not our words, but GOD’S WORDS. It just takes one spark, one small flame to catch the world on fire through GOD’S LOVE.

No more hiding behind church buildings and religious ideologies; it’s time to shine. As for me and my house of light, I’m going to let it shine!

“God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1:4).

“You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness to light” (2 Samuel 22:29).

“You Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness to light” (Psalm 18:28).

“Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you” (Psalm 139:12).

“The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness, a light has dawned” (Isaiah 9:2).

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