By Tanya Jolliffe

One day when our daughter was three, we were walking through our local Christian bookstore when a bright green children’s Bible with colorful cartoon images caught her attention. Wanting to encourage her interest in books, especially the most important book of all, we sat down and looked over her exciting new find. This themed Bible was based on the characters from the Adventures in Odyssey children’s radio program. She was captivated by the colorful cartoon extras and wanted me to read and reread everything to her. Of course, I bought the Bible and soon became introduced to the exciting world of audio dramas.

We listened to many engaging Adventures with the gang from Odyssey over the years. This type of storytelling was just what our children with vivid imaginations needed to spark their creativity while unknowingly encouraging their critical thinking and simultaneously instilling good Christian values.

I was recently reminded of all the beautiful Adventures while reading Psalm 107. In verse 27 of the NIV version, I read, “They reeled and staggered like drunken men; they were at their wits’ end.” The words “wits’ end” jumped out at me. One of the key figures in Odyssey is Mr. Whittaker, who runs an ice cream shop called Whit’s End. John Avery Whittaker, or Whit as he’s fondly known, is a trusted friend and confidant to everyone in Odyssey. People seek him out for his wise counsel, inventiveness, and insight as he helps them learn about the Bible or the world.

As I read the passage, my mind immediately went back to Whit and all the episodes I had listened to with my children in years past. Whit was a man of God who used every situation to guide people toward a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ as THE way to cope when they were at their “wits’ end.” That was the focus of the section of Psalm 107 that I was reading, the Lord providing peace for the overwhelmed when they cried out to him in their times of trouble.

We each have the opportunity to be a Whit to someone else. To provide a strong Christian witness of how to be IN the world and not OF it when times are tough. Pointing them toward scripture that shines the light on the truth of God’s love when the enemy’s darkness is taking over. To help them understand how the Lord provides a home for the homeless, freedom for the captives, healing for those suffering, and peace for the overwhelmed. God is still present and the same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow, but people might need our help remembering that truth.

Take a few minutes today to read Psalm 107 for yourself. Remember that when you feel at your wits’ end, the Lord is there waiting for you to cry out to him, to bring you out of your distress and still your storm. Then share this truth with someone else that needs to hear it. Be a person of God in every situation to guide people toward a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ as THE way to cope with the storms of life. And if you have imaginative children in your life, consider introducing them to audio dramas that can help instill Christian values in an engaging new way.

Looking for a way to connect with God daily? Check out our daily devotional books. (They make great gifts too!): Living in Truth Day by Day *** Living in Truth Mind, Body, Spirit *** Living in Truth: A Christmas Devotional