By Michele Eich

I always love hearing from God, but when He told me something I was not expecting, it made me realize just how very good He is.

It was the beginning of the new year in 2010, and I was visiting my in-laws in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. Now, that is a great place to be in January instead of my home in the cold and snowy Midwest. I got a message from a woman in England that I had met in a ministry we both followed. This woman had a word for me and asked for my permission in giving it. We need to be careful about letting people speak over our lives, but I felt peaceful about receiving it from her.

This lady proceeded to tell me that it was going to be a very big year for me. She saw me covered in honey which represented God’s favor. The Lord was going to be opening some big doors for me, and I was to be prepared for that and expecting it. She went on as I jotted down notes as quickly as possible. I thought to myself, This is incredible!

The year prior to that had been filled with big challenges and God adventures that really stretched me. I had graduated from Bible college with a 3-hour daily commute one way. (Yes, you read that right.) This is when gas was $4.00 a gallon, and I honestly did not want to do it, at first. Here’s a big surprise: God knows what He is doing, and when I submitted to His will, I experienced His grace all over my life.

During that season, I had also published my first book. As I heard this woman speak, I felt that God was blessing me for doing the hard things. I was just waiting by the phone for some big-name speaker to ask me to go on tour with her. In a season when it felt like nothing was happening spiritually, this prophetic word really made me happy and excited for my future.

A couple weeks later, my husband was asked to go to a local ministry and help them with some tasks. They needed a handyman, and my husband was the perfect one for the job. I was familiar with this ministry because our church had helped them tear down an old chicken coop and build a chapel for praise and worship. (The definition of me “helping” with something like that would be baking cookies and handing them out to volunteers.)

My husband went out to this place called “The Farm” to make some repairs. When he arrived, the director was visibly upset. She told him that her right-hand person was getting called back to the main church. That left her with too much to do and not enough people to serve. My husband told her to contact me as I had just graduated from Bible college and would probably love to teach out there.

Well, that is exactly what happened. I started right away, and it was a perfect fit. There were about 12 women in the class, and I just connected with them. Even though we all came from different backgrounds and such, we all had a hunger for Jesus and a desire to find true freedom in Him.

I had been doing this for about a month, and I had an epiphany as I drove to “The Farm.” The prophecy from the woman in England came to mind of the fabulous things I would be doing and the big doors God was about to open that year. I also thought about the small group of women that I taught there. It all made perfect sense! I wanted to let God know I had figured out what He was up to and said, “Oh, I get it. I am going to be faithful in small things, and then you will give me big things.”

I cannot really explain what happened next, but I felt Him sort of lean in and whisper, “This is the big thing.”

 At first, I was a bit miffed because it did not look like what I had envisioned. I thought I’d be speaking to tens of thousands! Then I began to weep. God had spoken and beautifully revealed His heart. He added, “I trust you with my wounded sheep.” More tears and simple gratitude for this amazing moment with my Father. 

Jesus said that His sheep know His voice. He is our Savior who will leave the 99 to pursue the one who is lost. It reminds me of this incredible Scripture: “I wait for your deliverance, O Lord, for your words thrill me like nothing else! Invigorate my life so that I can praise you even more, and may your truth be my strength! I’ll never forget what you’ve taught me, Lord, but when I wander off and lose my way, come after me, for I am your beloved!” (Psalm 119:174-176)

I spent six years as a volunteer at this place and enjoyed every minute of it. I love to encourage women and witness the transformation that God brings with His incredible love and presence. This is something only the Great Shepherd could accomplish. Once we understand His goodness, our desire to wander away from the fold quickly fades away. People often want to chase big numbers, but God’s heart is always to go after the wounded one. I am so grateful for this simple truth because that one used to be me.

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