By Rae Lynn DeAngelis
Tuesday, September 21st is a special day. But wait… I’m getting ahead of myself.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to live in truth: read truth, believe truth, speak truth, and even pray truth. These are all practical ways we can grow as believers and shine the light and love of Jesus. But there’s something missing from that list, something very important.
God also calls us to walk truth.
Now you might be tempted to think, well, isn’t reading, believing, speaking, and praying the manner in which we “walk” truth?
Yes… and no. Those things are a part of waking truth, but there’s more to it. God taught me something amazing recently, and it’s become a game changer in my walk with Him (pun intended). I pray it does the same for you.
To walk truth means to act in faith, to do the thing (whatever it may be). Sometimes it involves something God is asking us to do; and sometimes it involves something God is asking us not to do. I’ve experienced both. Our job is to walk in faith and trust God with the outcome. God gives us encouragement along the way to affirm that we are in alignment with His will.
Believing before seeing is the essence of biblical faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”.
However, God-sized faith does more than believe, God-sized faith acts. “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17).
I used to think “faith without action” meant that if we weren’t following all the dos and don’ts of Christianity, our faith was not true and, therefore, we weren’t really saved. That’s a lie.
Here’s the truth…. Faith and action working together isn’t about salvation. Faith and action working together is about manifestation.
Faith is the vehicle. Action is turning the key, stepping on the gas, and driving the vehicle.
Faith and action must work together if we want to “go places” with God and make an eternal impact for His Kingdom.
- David’s faith in action is what enabled him to defeat Goliath.
- Moses’ faith in action is what brought the Israelites out of Egypt.
- The bleeding woman’s faith in action is what engaged the healing power of Jesus to be released.
- Mary’s faith in action is what allowed her to conceive and give birth to Jesus.
Your faith in action is what will bring your God-sized hopes and dreams to fruition. Yes, we need to do all the things: read, believe, speak, and pray. But then, we need to walk it out, step-by-step.
I’m reminded of the Levite priests who needed to cross the Jordan River so they could enter the Promised Land. God told them to go and step into the Jordan River (a river that was at flood stage). Here’s what happened:
“So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead of them. Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah (that is, the Dead Sea) was completely cut off. So the people crossed over opposite Jericho” (Joshua 3:14-16).
The Levite priests overcame fear and unbelief and put their faith into action. Let’s do the same!
The reason 9/21/21 is such an important day is because it’s when our new devotional book, Living in Truth, Mind, Body, Spirit is being released. Publishing this book is how we are putting our faith into action. But there’s more!
When I was trying to pick a day to launch the book, without thinking too much about it, I picked September 21, 2021. Afterwards, I realized something pretty cool. Perhaps you’ve heard me share how God often speaks to me through numbers. Especially three numbers that are all the same, like 222, 444, etc. In the Bible, 3 represents divinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and 7 represents perfection or completion.
The 21st of September is the third Tuesday of the month (representing the completion of three 7-day weeks. 3×7=21 (that’s three sevens, 7+7+7). And finally, 2021 is the 21st year of this millennium (3 more 7s). All I can say is God speaks! I am confident God will bring forth good things from this faith in action moment. His handprint is all over it, letting us know we are in alignment with His will.
But now I have a challenge for you. Would you put your faith into action? Would you tell others about the book and then purchase a copy yourself (Kindle or paperback) on our launch date, 9/21/21? HERE’S THE LINK. The proceeds of this book help support the continuing mission of LITM. We believe (Hebrews 11:1) this book will be a #1 New Release. Our faith plus your action (James 2:17) will make it happen. Together, let’s walk it out! Thank you in advance for your faithful support!