By Alison Feinauer
Have you ever eaten chips and quickly came back for more? Never really satisfied? Or had the microwavable mac and cheese on your way out the door? In such a hurry, you didn’t remember what you had eaten the next day? Ever had a frozen pizza and had a few too many pieces, ending up with a tummy ache? Or maybe it’s been a frozen pot pie that had some veggies, chicken and that crispy crust, but it’d been in the freezer for a year and didn’t have much taste?
On the flip side, do you know someone who plants a garden, checks on it each day, waters it, sends you progress pictures, then invites you over for that home cooked yummy meal. They cook all day, you sit around a big table savoring every bite, eating slowly, listening to stories of their garden. How that rain water came at the right time or had to keep the deer away. What a meal! Your body is filled. Your soul is refreshed.
These are opposite types of eating, right? Sure, both give you calories (energy), but only the homegrown, slow cooked, sit down meal will give you the nutrients your body needs, and the memories last way longer than the quick processed meal grabbed running to the next activity.
I was talking with a friend about the Bible. The food analogy popped in my head. You can listen to podcasts, read devotionals, books, hear messages at church or binge from many churches, and even listen to a song that has scripture in it. All of these are good. They are functional and have purpose, but alone they will not satisfy.
You have to read the Bible yourself, ask God what He is saying to you from it, what it means to YOU, how He wants to speak to YOU through His living and active word that is still alive today.
Trust me, I’ve been there. I’ve subscribed to so many podcasts, listened to pastors from around the country, read books, blogs and other interpretations and it’s been good. BUT often it’s been fleeting. It stays for a bit but doesn’t sink deep.
I didn’t know where to even start. I began with a little prayer.
God, if your Word is supposed to be my food and come alive to me, show me how, help me to hunger for it. I want it to be more than just words. Teach me how to read it and help me make it and You a priority. Amen
I’m just beginning this journey and I’ve been a Christ follower for a long time. But I’ll tell you this, there is nothing like sitting in a verse or a chapter and soaking in it for yourself. The Holy Spirit WILL bring it to life inside your heart and soul. It will fill you, transform you, and renew your mind. Our God will meet you there.
“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105).
“Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, and pay attention to all that I have to say. Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. Then, as you unwrap my words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being” (Proverbs 4: 20-22).