By Sheree Craig

Now that my son is driving, we talk about distractions constantly.  Keep the cell phone off while driving. Keep your eyes on the road.  Look out for drivers swerving, possibly over correcting the vehicle in the other lane. Keep the radio at a minimum volume.  Adjust mirrors to see all surrounding views.  The list goes on and on. 

Then we have our daughter.  As she grows up and begins determining her place in life, we discuss distractions.  She is in the phase of increased hormones and being strongly affected by the opinions of others being thrown her way.  Nearly any situation coupled with increased hormones and criticism from a friend and destruction occurs to a beautiful girl’s spirit.  We also talk about the distraction boys create.  A boy can change a girl’s focus quickly (and vice versa).  Another distraction in life includes placing worth/value in a sport or perfect grades.  The list grows as the years pass.

It seems distractions follow us in life despite our age.  Take a moment, look around and notice the distractions in life.  Cell phones constantly seek our attention. Busy itineraries steal our moments. Opinions of others override truth. Social media comparisons diminish joy, etc.  Distraction is everywhere and has the potential to destroy relationships.

Is this the way of the world?  Must we embrace it?  Do we sacrifice joy to fit in this world of distraction?

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2 ESV).

Easy enough, right?  Not quite.  This world surrounds us with temptations to conform, fit in, and veer away from God.  Temptation, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is a state of or act of being enticed especially to evil.  Now, I am not saying that cell phones are evil, social media should be banned, or we wipe our itineraries clean.  I am saying that we must prepare ourselves to live amongst temptations. 

As I teach my children to be alert to distractions in life while driving or making decisions, I need to heed my own advice.  I find it easy to become entangled amongst the opinions of others, allowing their words to determine my worth.  My thoughts continually battle temptations to compare the outside appearance or filtered image on social media to how I view my own image.  Comparisons will lead to jealousy which leads to self-destructive thinking.  Distractions lurk around every corner.  How can we avoid falling into these traps?

The Scripture explains it perfectly (as all do).  Transform your spirit with the renewal of your mind.  Renew the mind with Truth.  His Truth will build discernment required when facing this world.  Discernment provides protection.  We can live in this world and avoid being of this world.  God desires for us to go and be His hands and feet, standing firm on His Truth. 

My son must keep his mind and eyes focused while driving.  My daughter must stand firm on Truth and renew her thoughts when the world throws opinions her way.  Both children will remain strong, focused and peaceful in life when avoiding distractions.

The same rings true throughout all stages in life.  Keep the mind focused on Truth.  Our worth remains in God.  He created each of us with a purpose and plan.  Any distraction that creeps into our path must be shut down immediately.  Stay focused dear friends.  Let’s live by Truth and stand firm when distractions creep into our path.