Today’s Post By: Rae Lynn DeAngelisThere is a place in the depth of our soul that is so deep, no man, woman, or object could ever reach it.  It is a place God designed solely for Himself. In this space the Lord ministers to our spirit and brings healing, restoration, and fulfillment to our lives. This void is the very life-source that causes man to seek, know, and love our Heavenly Father.So strong is the desire within us to have this space occupied, that we often spend an incredible amount of time, energy, and money looking for a willing tenant. Relationships, substances, money, careers, and material possessions all compete for residency. Unfortunately, Satan is all too willing to assist us in our search.Long ago, Jesus saw desperate need in the heart of a Samaritan woman who was coming to find water at the well. What she found filled more than her water jar.Jesus, knowing her greatest need, offered the woman at the well the same thing He offers you and me today – Living Water.Jesus answered