Today’s Post Written By: Rae Lynn DeAngelisDo you have a particular cup in your home that holds specific meaning or significance? Perhaps a coffee mug received as a gift or maybe you have treasured a cup because it has colorful motif from a favorite vacation spot. Case in point: some cups hold special significance because they remind us of cherished memories of days gone by.The night before His betrayal, Jesus and His disciples shared a special meal together during Passover. Traditionally, during this special meal, four cups were shared, each one representing a particular promise made by God. Passover was celebrated by the Jewish nation every year to remember the deliverance of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt. Many Jews celebrate the traditional Passover meal to this day.The following is what the four cups represented during the Passover Feast based on the promises of God found in Exodus 6:6-7:The Cup of SalvationI will bring you out.”The Cup of Deliverance“I will deliver you.”The Cup of Redemption“I will redeem you.”The Cup of Hope (or Praise) “I will take you.”As Jesus shared the Passover meal with His disciples