By Rae Lynn DeAngelis

Growing up my dad had a extraordinary way of making each one of us kids feel special. One memory in particular stands out among the others. I’ve shared once before about the game my dad and I played with my brother and sister. Dad would speak gibberish, and I would translate. We had our little game down to a science. And despite my siblings’ attempts to trip us up, we kept the ruse going for quite some time. It may have driven my brother and sister crazy, but as far as I was concerned it was great fun and it connected me to my dad in a special way

Today my Heavenly Father and I have a special way of connecting. God speaks to me in ways unique to my relationship with Him. And every time it happens, I am reminded of just how special I am in God’s eyes. He makes me feel as though I am His only daughter, much like my dad made me feel when I was younger.

Throughout the day, and sometimes several times a day, God directs my attention to a succession of numbers that are the same. For example, I just happen to pick up my cell phone and the clock reads 2:22. Or I might glance at a sign on side of the road that says 555. Every single time it happens (and it happens a lot), I get excited because I know God is talking to me. Sometimes he’s just letting me know He is there. Sometimes He’s reassuring me that things are going to be okay. Regardless of how it happens it’s always special.

When our son moved out on his own, not only did I worry if he would be okay, but the prospect of becoming an empty nester, especially since my husband travels a lot for his job, caused me great anxiety. I worried that I might become depressed and feel lonely.

But as Gerry and I got in our car to leave Ben’s apartment on the day we helped him move, God spoke to my heart and quieted my fears. Gerry, knowing about my secret language with God said, “Wow, look at the odometer! The last three digits are 777.”

It was God’s way of letting us know Ben was going to be fine, that He would watch over him.

On our way home, Gerry decided to clock the mileage from Ben’s apartment to our house so we could see how far it was. Pulling into our driveway at our house the odometer registered 33.3 miles. Again God spoke to my heart. He was reassuring me that not only would He be watching over Ben, but He would be watching over me too.

Thank you Heavenly Father for making me feel special and reminding me of how much I am loved.

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)

“Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say.” (Isaiah 28:23)