Pride Surgery
If pride is going to get between us for any reason, for any amount of time, I want it gone, extricated, removed. I want pride surgery, a pridectomy.
God’s Impeccable Timing
I realized that God’s timing is perfect, and He works behind the scenes to draw us to faith in Him.
Restorative Sleep
Regardless of your sleep hygiene habits, remember that God wants us to have peace and trust in him and his ways so that we can rest in sleep.
Hard to Grasp
Oh, that we would have eyes to see and hearts to know the grace, wonder, awe, love, mercy, compassion, etc… of the Great I AM!!!
You Are Enough
Let’s not put our focus on what’s going on in the physical world. Instead, let’s trust God’s higher ways and believe He has good things for us on the horizon. So, keep on singing, keep on praying, and keep on praising. Don’t be discouraged, and never fear. Jehovah Jireh is ALWAYS enough!
His Wounded Sheep
Jesus said that His sheep know His voice. He is our Savior who will leave the 99 to pursue the one who is lost.
Pride Surgery
If pride is going to get between us for any reason, for any amount of time, I want it gone, extricated, removed. I want pride surgery, a pridectomy.
God’s Impeccable Timing
I realized that God’s timing is perfect, and He works behind the scenes to draw us to faith in Him.
Restorative Sleep
Regardless of your sleep hygiene habits, remember that God wants us to have peace and trust in him and his ways so that we can rest in sleep.
Hard to Grasp
Oh, that we would have eyes to see and hearts to know the grace, wonder, awe, love, mercy, compassion, etc… of the Great I AM!!!
You Are Enough
Let’s not put our focus on what’s going on in the physical world. Instead, let’s trust God’s higher ways and believe He has good things for us on the horizon. So, keep on singing, keep on praying, and keep on praising. Don’t be discouraged, and never fear. Jehovah Jireh is ALWAYS enough!
His Wounded Sheep
Jesus said that His sheep know His voice. He is our Savior who will leave the 99 to pursue the one who is lost.
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