Week 71
10/19: I thought the cravings for yogurt and pudding might ease a little today, but they didn’t. It was only through God’s strength that I was able to detox the house of them.
The reading I’m doing in Exodus about the Israelites and their idols spoke deeply to my heart. I thought a lot about how I need to totally destroy these idols and get them out of my presence. I knew God was leading me to this point of surrender, but I couldn’t imagine the thought of doing without these taste satisfiers. God’s power is stronger than any craving! The main reason I want to give these things up is because I know they were hindering my walk with God. I ate more yogurt and pudding than I did my meal. They were my food staples. The over-consumption of these things was keeping me from foods that my body needs. I’m so glad they’re gone.
10/20: I’m depressed and tired today. I think I’m depressed because it’s a beautiful day, and I’m too sick to do anything. Called doc’s office and told her I was getting worse and almost to the end of the antibiotics. She got me in within an hour. My throat is red and swollen, lymph nodes are swollen, etc.… She put me on a stronger antibiotic and steroids. If it doesn’t improve by next week, she wants to do a blood draw. She also told me to drink plenty of water, take Vitamin C, and eat yogurt. The yogurt helps prevent yeast infections when taking steroids. You’ve got to be kidding me. Of all of the foods in the world, it would have to be yogurt. There’s no way I’m starting yogurt again after the effort I’ve been putting forth resisting it. It’s very hard giving up addictions, but it is possible. I went straight to bed after lunch. The positive is this ailment is temporary.
10/21: Mom’s co-worker was having a moving sale, so we hit the road early. I ended up buying five pairs of jeans, a zip-up sweatshirt, and two tops. She only charged $5 for all of it. Mom was as stunned as I was. I was interested in a computer with all the accessories, but I couldn’t make up my mind. I told her to let mom know at work Monday if she sold it, and, if not, I’d buy it.
I crashed after lunch. My energy is still low due to illness. My lungs are very sore too.
10/22: Had a special recognition service for community first responders. I skipped Sunday School and sat in the balcony where there was less chance of being hugged. Even though I’m probably not contagious, I didn’t want to take a chance in sharing. Well, my plan flopped. Hugs all around. My friend, her kids, and a visitor she brought even sat by me. It brightened my mood.
A woman at church gave me the recipe for a delicious sugar-free dessert she makes. She made it for the picnic today along with another dessert. I’m thankful that she thinks about the diabetics. She is one herself and has diabetic recipes that are delicious.
10/23: I had a big appetite at breakfast. I’ve been nauseated for almost a week, but I think it has to do with the decongestion.
I’m very depressed. I did deep clean in the guest bedroom. Actually, I’ve taken it over since the mattress is much firmer than mine is. It has done wonders for my back problem. I found a huge baby picture of my youngest brother. It brought tears to my eyes as I thought about the path he has taken in life. I love him dearly.
Dad and I spent a rainy day together out and about. Mom told me that her friend at work didn’t sell the computer with speakers and printer. She said it was in the trunk of her car, and I could have it. She said she doesn’t need the money. She just wants to get rid of everything so that she has less to haul on moving day. Wow, I’m so grateful and excited. I’m going to set up my own writing/study nook. Finding an area to set up shop isn’t going to be easy.
10/24: Had a good day at work. Mom brought the computer home. Wow, Tish even included a camera along with the printer. I tried to get it all set up, but she forgot to give me the password. I’m so excited to try it.
10/25: I went to see Patty today. She said she was concerned because she hasn’t seen me in a while, but the activities director let her know I’ve been sick. We talked and then I read her a story out of the In Touch magazine by Charles Stanley. This woman has become so precious to me. I made oat bran muffins for dessert since I am pudding and yogurtless. The craving still hasn’t gone away and it was fierce today. God got me through. I’m eating so many other things that are not just empty calories. I did some study on Daniel and found out that he was about 81 years old when he was thrown into the lion’s den. I’d always imagined he was around 30. Age is ageless is God’s book.
To read Rhonda’s backstory, click here.