Week 70
10/13: I feel down and tired. I woke up in the night with a burning sore throat. I figured it would help lift my spirits to go for a walk. A local beekeeper was tending to his hives, and I started up a conversation that lasted over an hour. It was very educational. He ended up sharing some things about his daughter and grandchildren. She went through a drug rehab program and has held a job for a year now. Her oldest child refuses to live with her. The daughter is deeply suffering because of her mom’s past lifestyle. It breaks my heart to hear stories like this.
Dad and I took a country ride to an apple stand, but there were no apples out today. I mowed after lunch and then slept. Just not feeling well.
10/14: Well, I have some kind of bad cold/sinus thing. I pushed myself to get out and go to yard sales with mom. We ran into a woman from church that has the same cold I do, only she’s had it for 2 weeks. She said she’s been so tired that all she wants to do is sleep. I pray that it goes away quickly. It’s causing my blood sugar to skyrocket, which makes me feel even worse. I don’t have much of an appetite, and when I am hungry, I want things like soup and breakfast foods like oats or French toast.
10/15: Although I didn’t feel like going to church, I really wanted to be there to wish Kim a “Happy Birthday.” I led the song, gave a short speech, and presented our gift to her. She was so thankful and delighted. She has Friedreich’s Disease, and her symptoms are quickly progressing toward death. She is always smiling at church and has a positive outlook on everything. She has been an inspiration to all of us!
After lunch, I went to bed. I could barely hold my eyes open driving home. I’ve never been like this before. Whatever I have, I want gone NOW! It does make me so much more thankful for the health I normally have. It’s easy to take things for granted when all is well.
I didn’t go to church or choir tonight because I had a horrible headache and felt terrible. I did get to watch an interview between Charles Stanley, Andy Stanley and Louie Giglio. Charles Stanley is a mighty man of God and has very meaty messages. He’s 85 and continues to serve God with all of his heart.
10/16: I’m feeling better and was able to function well at work. My Sunday School teacher and her husband were at the library. She was trying to find a book on the Tabernacle. I checked long before this study and our library is “Tabernacleless.” Thankfully, I found a few of dad’s books in the basement. She had a question she was trying to find the answer to, so I came home from work and began discussing it with dad. He did an excellent Tabernacle study series at the church where he once pastored. He is my walking reference guide. I do compare scripture with all he says because anyone can be unintentionally wrong. He spoke rightly, and now I am a more learned disciple than I was when I woke up this morning. I crave to learn!
10/17: I called into work to see if they thought I should come in. I work with the elderly facilities, and we take every precaution to keep illness from spreading. The women in my department said to stay home.
Dad and I spent 2 hours cleaning out the fridge and freezer. I’m glad I had help.
God has provided the strength and desire to eliminate pudding and yogurt. I told dad, and he strongly encouraged me in this step. I also knew telling him would make me more accountable. It never fails if pudding or yogurt is anywhere in the house, I will eventually eat it. The solution is to have none in the house and make no further purchases. I got through the day without them, and it wasn’t too bad. I removed the props from underneath me. Now I’m gripping onto God with all of my strength.
10/18: I found out I have a respiratory virus along with multitudes of other people in the community. It was widely spread last year too, but somehow, I managed to escape it.
My body has been screaming for yogurt and pudding. The addiction to these is stronger than I thought. I really do think companies add ingredients that cause you to want more, hence keeping you coming back to buy their products. Just a thought.
I have been able to focus more on getting a well-rounded meal because I know that the meal has to nourish me without the extra pudding and yogurt. I know God will continue to part the waters as I continue to walk in faith. He has never failed me and never will!
To read Rhonda’s backstory, click here.