Week 68
9/29: I started a book by A.W. Tozer last night that really met me where I am in my spiritual walk. It penetrated through the “numbness” of feeling and emotion and kickstarted me back into renewed thinking. I direly needed this goading from God.
I’ve been very sick all day. I think it’s due to the chocolate nutrition drink I had yesterday. It really wiped me out.
I delivered The Purpose Filled Life Playaway audiobook to Patty. I wanted to make sure she had something to listen to for the weekend. We talked for some time, and as I was leaving she told me that I brighten her day. She is a dear woman, and I’m so thankful God crossed our paths.
9/30: I did a 5K walk/run for DCH Heart & Lung. I had no intentions of running, but I ended up doing just that. I wasn’t out to win, I just wanted to keep a nice leisurely pace and enjoy the run.
Tonight, I delved into study on a scripture that I don’t understand. “Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered” (Heb. 5:8). How could Christ learn obedience when He is perfect? There’s no way He could be disobedient. John Piper’s website Desiring God explained it in a way I could understand. If I could write a book at this point in life it would probably be Rhonda’s Book of Questions: Answered & Unanswered.
10/1: I put forth full effort to walk in obedience. Mom and I had to pick up a couple things at the grocery and it took every ounce of resistance to leave without buying any pudding or yogurt.
Today was kickoff day for our church’s pastor/missionary conference. Guess who showed up at church? When my dad stood beside me, I was not only happy, I was surprised. He never comes to church on Sunday night. I know he came because it was the 1st day of a conference with a guest speaker, but that doesn’t matter. The sermon was good for us all!
10/2: I helped in the kitchen at the conference tonight. It was beautifully decorated with trays of appetizers at each table. It was a wonderful night of singing, preaching, and fellowship.
10/3: When I got to the assisted living facility, one of the employees was getting the group ready for stretching exercises. I’m scheduled every month at the same time and place, and there has been a lack of communication every time, even today. I figured I’d just sit down and enjoy the time with them. We stretched for 20 minutes and then the employee let me do the program. I had a meeting with my manager when I got back to the library and we discussed the issue. She’s going to call the Activities Director and get it straightened out.
Worked in the kitchen again. There wasn’t much to clean up, so I got home a little earlier than last night.
10/4: Mom and I sang at the conference. I am blessed to have a mother who is at my side in service. After lunch I went for a walk and then mowed the grass. By the time I knew it, we were back to church. Everyone is tired from the past four full conference days. It has been worth the time and effort. The pastors have been very honest in their struggles. Authenticity is always appreciated and well received.
To read Rhonda’s backstory, click here.