Week 54 & 55
6/22: Since the Creation Station didn’t have the number of paint sticks I needed, I called Aurora Lumber and they didn’t hesitate to provide me with all the paint sticks. Thank you!!
I’ve been studying Genesis again. My eyes are opened to something new each time I re-read it. I sit back and think, “How could I have missed this before?” I asked dad a question that I knew he wouldn’t even have the answer to, but it’s still fun discussing things.
6/23: Brad and Amanda dropped off their dog and stayed for awhile. They’re leaving for Florida tomorrow. This dog has never stayed with anyone, so let’s hope for the best.
Went to a concert by Ivan Parker and his son. Had a good time. Afterward, we walked down the street to watch the annual bike race. It’s utterly amazing the speed these cyclists maintain. What was even more amazing was how close they get to each other. Better pray a tire doesn’t go flat or fall off. There’s no room for mishaps.
Toby, the dog, was watching out the front door when we got home. It reminded me so much of the many times my dog, Maggie, used to wait for me. I miss her.
6/25: Mom and I sang a duet. I like to sing songs that are upbeat to start the service.
I took a nap this afternoon. My blood sugar is running on the high side again. It was perfect when I was giving hand shots but started running higher when I started on the insulin pump again. I had to. My stomach was getting big knots on it from all the shots. Calloused. The insulin doesn’t absorb well in my arms and thighs, so the stomach is my only option.
Toby has become attached to me. He’s a very good dog.
6/27: I had so much fun doing the programs today at two nursing facilities. It thrills me to see a sparkle in their eyes when they see or hear something I present that they recall. A couple of my trivia questions had to do with cows. Cows drink 35 gallons of water/day and give 7 gallons of milk. One woman immediately spoke up and said, “That would mean that they produce 1 gallon of milk for every 5 gallons of water they drink.”
They ask questions and have a lot of input. I really have to know what I’m talking about on anything I present. These men and women bring me such joy!
Eating and exercise were good today.
6/28: June and July always make me start thinking about freedom. I am so thankful to God for everything.
I took pictures of the flag raised high in the cemetery with a church steeple in the background. I’m going to include this in the craft I’m getting together for the library program.
I can’t even leave the house without Toby on my heels. This dog is going to hate going back home where he doesn’t get out much and he certainly doesn’t get out without a leash. My brother said not to let him out without the leash or else he will dart off in a flash and not come back. After getting to know the ways of Toby, I decided to test him and the authority I believe I have over him. I set him free and he proved true. He sniffed and peed on everything, ran around the yard and heeded my calls to stay within my unmarked boundaries. Sorry Brad, you know I had to test the limits.
6/30: Mom and I went to a yard sale and the first thing I saw was a used car for sale in their driveway. I asked the owner some questions and we all loaded in for a test drive. I got home and checked the used car value and it looks like an excellent buy. It’s even less than the money I had set aside for a car. I took dad back to ask questions, look it over and drive it. He approved. I bought it! I can’t wait to get insurance so I can drive it. It is so wonderful having power steering, air conditioning, seats without holes, etc.. God blesses me in so many ways and always provides what I need.
7/1: I spent the day enjoying the car and other activities. I wanted to go to the antique car show in town. This is one of my favorite things to do. Vendor booths were set up along the river, but it was so hot and humid that we didn’t stay too long.
Brad brought Ava by. I sadly gave Toby back. I will truly miss the little dog! He invited us to the fireworks at Crossroads. I tried to make them rethink it. I said it will probably be very crowded and hard to park and that we should just go to the Aurora Fireworks. Everybody else wanted to go to Crossroads, so I gave in. Got there, drove around through a massive crowd with no parking. Took very little time to make our way back to Aurora. I guess “told you so” would be rubbing it in too much, but, “told you so!” The evening was enjoyable and it was good family time together.
7/2: The neighbors I sent a card to a few months ago came to church today. My heart was overflowing with joy. I can see that God is really working in this family.
We had a church picnic tonight. As soon as I arrived, I joined in a game of volleyball and then ate. It was a grilled metts, potato chips, and ice cream sundaes. I did terrific and not one bit of guilt or fear. Freedom is awesome! I chatted awhile and helped clean up and then enjoyed volleyball the rest of the evening. It has been a rewarding day!
7/3: After lunch, I decided to try an Oreo. I could’ve eaten 10 as good as this one tasted. But I knew that overeating would make me feel guilty and tempt me to vomit. Any temptation resisted is no longer a temptation, it is an authoritative firm and final decision resulting in victory.
I baked a cake and cupcakes for July 4th and attempted my hand at red, white and blue buttercream swirl icing. My piping bag was too small, but I made due. Mom held the top of the bag tight while I squeezed my way through. It’s so much fun trying new things. Piping icing is almost like milking a cow. The desserts were beautiful and patriotic.
7/4: After an extensive walk ): I mowed most of the grass. It took about 2.5 hours to wash and clean my old car in order to sell it. I cleaned it down to the nitty-gritty. It’s like I’m parting with my first love. It has been a good car!
I was so tired by the time fireworks started but got a second wind to get me through. Greendale presented a beautiful display. Ava was cranky most of the time. She seems to be tired a lot.
7/5: Went to White’s Flea Market. It was packed.
After lunch and a short nap, mom and I went to Kohl’s and Meijer. Neither one of us wanted to start getting things together for a yard sale.
I must admit, I’m a little concerned about the size of my stomach. It almost looks irregular. All of the weight I’m gaining is going to my stomach and seemingly staying there. It makes me not even want to eat. This is not an option. I’ve come too far in this weight gain to turn back. It has been a lot of work and turmoil that I don’t want to have to go through again.
To read Rhonda’s backstory, click here.