Reaching New Heights

Reaching New Heights

Looking to Grow Spiritually?

Reaching New Heights is a FREE guided peer discipleship experience designed to take your spiritual journey to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned Christian, a new believer, or somewhere in-between, this program is for you.

“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If one falls, the other can help them up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9).

How to Get Started:

STEP 1 – Click the “FREE Mentoring Guide” button. After you enter your name and email on the form, watch for the verification email. Your mentoring guide and other free resources will be sent to your inbox.

STEP 2 – Ask one or more of your sisters-in-Christ to join you on this journey, and send her the link to this webpage.

STEP 3 – Purchase Living in Truth Day by Day: A Women’s Devotional which coincides with the program. Provides short relevant stories with biblical truth and practical life-application. (Devotional is available in paperback and Kindle.)

STEP 4 – Determine day and time to meet with your peer-mentor (phone, video chat, or in-person).

Let the spiritual growth begin!