By Rae Lynn DeAngelis

Overcoming harmful or addictive behaviors in your life and maintaining freedom hinges on three key elements—an ongoing commitment to change, a daily practice of disciplines aimed at maintaining success, and time spent nurturing a steadfast relationship with Jesus.

One of the disciplines I’ve developed that helps me maintain success is a daily practice of identifying and weeding out worldly lies so that they no longer rule my life. During my time with the Lord each morning, He directs me to biblical truths through various devotion books and Bible study materials. When I come to a truth that really speaks to my heart, I write it down on an index card and begin meditating on how it is applicable in my life. In this way I choose to focus on what is true, rebuke what is not, and create healthy, life-affirming thought patterns that lead to healthy behaviors and actions.

Regardless of the type of stronghold or oppression that one faces, falling into a trap of the enemy begins in much the same way…. Bondage is born in the mind before it is ever played out in real life.

Anyone living in the modern world knows that smoking is strongly linked to cancer, and yet 1.1 billion people around the globe continue to smoke. If tobacco is a known carcinogen, why do so many people disregard the warnings and smoke anyway?

The same reason that billions of people live with other unhealthy strongholds. A person rationalizes the behavior and becomes convinced that they can beat the odds.

The enemy whispers his lies: it won’t happen to you; you can stop any time you want; it’s just this once; you can quit tomorrow; you deserve this; you’re not hurting anyone; it’s your life—you can do what you want.

In our mind we defend, rationalize, and justify the behavior, and before long, the decision is made and we act on our conceptualized belief.

This is how substance abuse and other forms of addictions take root. It’s how marriages fall prey to adultery, and it’s how people end up knee-deep in debt.

The enemy has been around for a very long time and knows our human nature. He knows that if he can whisper the lie that causes us to think long and hard about that certain something, we will eventually rationalize and justify the behavior. From there, our flesh nature takes over.

Actions align with beliefs and before long our lives spin wildly out of control.  Like a train barreling downhill on an unstable track, forward momentum makes it very difficult to stop.

One of the offenders is dopamine—a powerful chemical in the brain associated with pleasure. As the brain releases this intoxicating chemical into the bloodstream, we experience feelings of exhilaration and euphoria. Because it makes us feel good, the addictive behavior becomes very hard to give up. And because of the nature of addiction, it eventually takes more and more of the thing (whatever it may be) to reach the same level of euphoria.

But like any runaway train, lives derail when obstacles get in the way. Your health begins to fail; your spouse finds that secret text; your loved one learns of your addiction; your phone rings off the hook from creditors seeking payment.

Friends, we don’t have to live like this. The enemy is lying to us and it is time to expose his tactics of deception.

The Bible tells us that Satan is the father of all lies; he knows that if he can sidetrack us with counterfeit feelings and experiences, he can keep us from the One who can truly satisfy all of the deepest longings of our soul—Jesus.

There is a healthy addiction and stronghold that is never harmful or destructive. Jesus alone is able to fill the hole in our soul. He is the key to our success. Let the King of kings and LORD of lords unlock your prison door and set you free once and for all.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)