By Rae Lynn DeAngelis

Perhaps you’ve heard me talk in previous posts about my challenges with unfamiliar surroundings. Unlike my husband who has a great sense of direction and can navigate his way around just about anywhere, I’ve been known to get lost at the Hampton Inn. (Just ask my husband who snickers every time we exit our room and I begin walking down the wrong hallway to the elevator.)

Please tell me I’m not the only one.

As you can imagine, I was pretty stoked about the invention of GPS. No longer would I have to panic at the helm of my vehicle. I could simply enter an address into my mobile device and Siri would guide me through the complex streets and thoroughfares.

Now, if I could just get Siri to guide me through the corridors of a hotel, I’d be doing great!

In all seriousness, I tend to rely on my GPS a lot, especially when I’m driving in the city. Although my navigation app has been a life-saver, it’s also a crutch I’ve grown increasingly dependent upon, and I no longer trust my natural instincts when it comes to potentially better travel routes.

Case in point, after arriving at a particular destination I had been traveling to weekly, someone pointed out that I was not taking the most direct route.

I decided to step out of my comfort zone and give her new route a try.

I kept Siri engaged, just in case I got lost. If I were to take a wrong turn, she would guide my journey back on the right path.

To my surprise the new way cut ten minutes off my trip. I was pumped! Not only did it take time off my trip, but it was a more enjoyable drive altogether.

“The Lord will guide you always.” (Isaiah 58:11)

I wonder how many other areas of my life could benefit from a few intentional moves in a different direction.

Perhaps there are other ways I can change my routines to become more efficient and resourceful. Like making a few changes in the areas of my physical and spiritual health.

Change really can be good.

What about you? Instead of settling for the same old way of doing things, perhaps you too could benefit from a few intentional moves in a different direction.

Never fear. Much like my GPS, if we take a wrong turn, the Holy Spirit will promptly nudge us back on-track.

“This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17)