Today’s Post By: Rae Lynn DeAngelis

It is only against the backdrop of something genuine that one can truly discern when something is counterfeit.  Did you know that grocery store clerks study genuine one-hundred dollar bills so they can recognize counterfeit money?

In the same way, one cannot determine a lie if he does not know the truth.

For years I believed many lies about myself… I can only be loved if I am thin. I can never eat like a normal person. My worth and value come from what others think of me. If I look just right, I will find true happiness. Before I knew it, I was entangled in a twenty-five year bondage to an eating disorder called bulimia.

It wasn’t until I grew a passion for God’s Word and began to study truth that I could recognize my previous thought patterns were lies. Day after day, Satan whispered his lies to me through this sin filled world and my own fleshly desires.

I later came to realize that my bondage to bulimia was not the real issue. It was merely a symptom of a greater problem. The real problem was in my mind—a distorted way of thinking. Like weeding a garden, I had to uproot the many lies I had come to believe about myself and replace them with the truth—God’s truth. I needed God to renew my mind to His way of thinking.

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….” (Romans 12:2a)

Renewing the mind is a lifelong process; it doesn’t happen overnight.  One of the most beneficial ways that I have found for renewing the mind is writing Scriptures that pertain to my particular areas of struggle on index cards. I begin my quiet time with God by reading through several of these truths each and every day.  Because the world is filled with so much deception, it is imperative that I focus on God’s truth daily.

In John 8:31-32, Jesus says, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

God’s truth set this captive free! Without a doubt, my continued freedom hinges on me knowing, believing, and living in God’s truth.

Are you in need of a transformed mind? Why not give my daily practice a try.  Anytime you come across a Scripture that speaks the truth of God to your heart, write it down. Allow God’s truths to penetrate your heart, renew your mind, and set you free.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  (Galatians 5:1)

What lies has Satan whispered to you today? Replace the lies with truth.

Click Here for a free download to our “Scriptures for Renewing the Mind”