Today’s Post By: Rae Lynn DeAngelis

I was about seventeen years old when a friend and I spent the entire day at a local amusement park called Kings Island. Reminiscing about the day, and feeling extremely grown up because it was our first time to visit the park on our own, we got in the car and headed home.

Driving home late at night was our first mistake, especially since I’m directionally challenged.  It seems that somewhere along the way we were supposed to merge onto a different highway, but I missed seeing the sign. We realized we were lost when we found ourselves approaching downtown Cincinnati at midnight. This wasn’t good! Neither of us knew how to get home from this part of town, and we were afraid to stop and ask for directions. So instead, we kept driving up and down the one way streets until we saw a familiar highway sign, pointing us in the direction of home.

I learned a valuable lesson.  Pay attention to the signs!

Spiritually speaking, don’t you sometimes wish God would place a great big sign in our path, telling us exactly which way to go?

Actually, God does provide direction for our lives. It may not be as obvious as a neon sign, but His directions are just as real. There are many ways we can receive direction from God, but His two primary ways are through His Word and Holy Spirit.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

“I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.” (Proverbs 4:11)

If we are not reading our Bible regularly, or seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance, God might use a person, circumstance or even adversity to redirect our steps.

“Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” (Psalm 25:4-5)

Sometimes we become so distracted by life that we miss every one of God’s warning signs.  It’s not until we are knee-deep in trouble that we finally recognize how far off the course we’ve gotten.

On my way home from Kings Island that day, if I had paid closer attention to the signs in the first place, I wouldn’t have lost my way.

“Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me….” (Psalm 43:3)

 Bottom line—we need to be more aware of God’s direction in our lives.